Monday, October 13, 2008

Neiman Marcus Christmas Book 2008

I love the Neiman Marcus Christmas Book.
It is full of ALL of the things that a woman of style would love to
have in her wardrobe, jewelry box, and on her is also full
of luxury one of a kind gifts that are usually VERY expensive, but VERY unique
and special.
This year, the two items in the book, affordable (well, in relative terms, of course) and luxury that appealed most to me are the:

His and Hers Lego Sculptures for $60,000.00

and the Marc Jacobs Alonya !

The lego sculptures are different and unique...and you can rest assured, NO ONE else will have these, well, that you know personally. Imagine these in your playroom...with the pool table and old school Ms. Pac Man game.
Then, the MJ Alonya, the pleated body, the beautiful leather, the frame handbag will go from day to evening...and is fierce!

So, leave a few hints to your significant might just get a really special surprise for Christmas.

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My Stuff
A collection of must have items, tools, and widgets!