I watched the entire season, which ended last night, on Bravo TV. Apparently, there is going to be a knock down, drag out on the reunion episode, which airs next week.
I have watched this show and its many installments since the first Orange County group. I enjoy reality tv, and I get a kick out of seeing how non-celebrity people, scripted or not, act once the cameras are rolling. I have always wondered how I would come across on screen, since I come across in a multitude of ways to different people, usually depending on how well they know me. This installment was more interesting to me, as it showcased women of color, and not the typical group of White women spending money, yachting, and buying diamonds. I wanted to see what women, who shared some of my sensibilities, interests, and background, lived life high on the hog.
What I got was a show full of the stereotypes of Black women that I despise. Sheree Whitfield, was the stuck up "bitch" that lived in a fantasy land where everyone wanted to be like, live like, and look like her. NeNe Leakes, who I actually quite liked, was portrayed as the loud, overbearing, two-faced, and sh!t starting friend...the more "ghetto" acting of the bunch. Kim, the sole White woman on the show, was the kept woman, whose mystery man "Big Papa" kept her laced in diamonds, Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, and whatever else she fancied, while she laughably dreamed of being a country singer. DeShawn Snow, was the wife of the NBA star, who seemed to spend money like it was water. And finally, Lisa Hartwell, the hardest working of the crew, was the level-headed, responsible woman in the group.
The show was much like a train wreck, it was horrible, but you couldn't stop watching it...and I certainly was lured by it. Much more for its drama than its reality, and certainly not for its similarity to anyway that I live, think, dream, or desire to live. I was amazed at the frivolous spending of money, of OTHER people's hard earned money. I was amazed at the notion that the men were only around to provide a paycheck, and the women only around to spend it. I was even more so amazed at the fued between Sheree, Kim, and NeNe, that seemed to paint NeNe as this classless and basically undesireable woman, to Sheree and Kim's stellar beauty and style. While most of the show Kim looked like either Barbie in her too tight Dolce & Gabbana sheaths and piles of diamonds, or a slutty Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm in her short pilgram dresses with knee high boots.
I cannot wait until the reunion show though, it will somehow put some closure on my season of Fall Reality TV watching...a good ass whooping always seem to bring closure, doesn't it!!!!!!!