Thursday, September 4, 2008

Politics all Around

For those of you who do not know, the now former Mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick, resigned from office today. After pleading guilty to two felony charges, Kilpatrick received a four month prison term and five year term of probation.

In other political news, Senator John McCain accepted his parties nomination as the Republican candidate for President of the United States. His running mate, Senator Palin from Alaska spoke yesterday, in a speech, thought by many, to be high on style but low on substance (no pun intended)!

Politics, my friends,is a dirty game. Let us not confuse POLITICS with PUBLIC SERVICE. Politics are the bureaucratic policies that often dictate who becomes a public official. Public service,is just that, service for public good.
Both of the McCain speech and the Kilpatrick resignation were politics gone very wrong.

Kilpatrick, who has long stated that he dreamed of being the mayor of Detroit as a child, was tasked with running one of the largest urban cities in the United States, and one of the most plagued. He made many strides in the city, bringing in companies, events, and a newfound love of the city that had been missing for over 30 years. His actions, from lying under oath, to the extreme arrogance with which he has held on to a title entrusted to him by the public, has shamed the city, many of its residents, and those who supported him. Even during his resignation speech, he lacked humility,and again seemed to infer that he was less than totally responsible for this outcome. He even seemed to blame much of his fate on the claimed political agendas of others. Nonetheless, he will now have plenty of time to think over his actions. I would guess, that those who love him will pray with him and give them a piece of their minds, after this long ordeal has put many of them to task for his mistakes.

McCain...well...he and his running mate are classic examples of talking the talk...but the real truth will come in the walk. I think she is crippled with inexperience and ignorance, and he is just cripple. So, put on your walking shoes...cuz the race is on!
In case you didn't know...Obama in '08!!!!!

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