Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Christmas Party Outfit

I was thinking about a fabulous outfit for a Christmas party...and I had the perfect vision in my mind. But what stood out, where these shoes I saw on Reese Witherspoon. I found them, they are on sale, and they are inexpensive. So, here they are, for your consumption!

Pair with a strapless dress or dressy shirtdress for your perfect Holiday Party...and wear them again with black trousers and a sequined tank ...see the outfits below!

Holiday Sparkle

What Has Obama done for you lately?

Well, he is picking one HELL of a team!

Let's look at some of his picks (or most likely picks in the coming weeks), their background, and what this could mean for you!

Chief of Staff*
Rahm Emanuel
This Congressman from Chicago has been a fixture in the Democratic Congress. He is known for his tough and no nonsense presence. He will bring a bit of fire, to the more calm Obama's team. Every team needs a fire breather to light a fire under everyone else...

Secretary of Treasury*
Timothy Geithner
He helped manage the Wall Street meltdown earlier this year and was key in many of the bailouts. His role in the largest financial crisis since the Great Depression can give an inside view on how to fix this issue and move the country forward, out of recession, and back to a wealthy nation.

Press Secretary*
Robert Gibbs
This senior advisor and communications director for Obama's senatorial and presidential campaigns has been in a fixture on his team. He knows Obama, and will be able to extinguish any negative and unfounded media attention, and will shine a bright light on Obama to keep his image positive and trustworthy in the media.

National Sec. Advisor
Jim Jones
This former military man who has dedicated his life to securing the US would be a great choice, and build Obama's national security team to great heights!

Commerce Secretary
Likely Pick: Bill Richardson
He served as Energy Secretary during the Clinton campaign, and with a huge move, proposed to focusing on alternate forms of energy he would be a great pick, to spearhead that movement, along with Al Gore as Secretary of Energy.

Homeland Security
Janet Napolitano
As the governor of Arizona, a US-Mexico border state, and a leader in immigration reform, she will help curb illegal immigration, while also making sure that legal immigrants in the US are treated fairly.

Secretary of State
Hilary Clinton
A former first lady and senator since 2000, who has served on many important committees including the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Committee on Security and Cooperation in Europe, she is well versed in the running of the State Department. Picking Clinton shows a willing to work with a variety of people, in Obama's case, who are well respected in government. Her huge standing in the Presidential primary showed that American's respect her ability to govern and make government more effective and efficient.

Health and Human Services
Tom Daschle
This former senate majority leader has built a reputation for health care reform and can help make the possibility of universal health coverage possible for all Americans.

Attorney General
Likely Pick: Eric Holder Jr.
This former deputy attorney general, U.S. attorny for the District of Columbia, and associate judge of the Superior Court shows his strong legal background. His experience and years of service will bring a great deal of knowledge to the team.

Secretary of Defense
Wesley Clark
This lifelong military man, helped end the conflict in Bosnia and was named the supreme allied commander of NATO in 1997. His background will help lead the military into a stronger and more supporter team.

Ambassador to the U.N.
Likely Choice: William Clinton

Former President Bill Clinton is known and loved throughout the world. During his presidency, the US was looked at favorable by most countries in the world. He has spent the majority of his time since being the President focusing on AIDS and economic conditions around the world. With his wife as the Secretary of State, and many of his former advisors in key roles in the Obama team, this could put more focus on Clinton politics, than setting a new trend in government, and be looked at as more of the same Democrat ideals at work. There was also a great deal of tension between the Clintons and Obama during the primary and even into the Presidential race. This could look like a weakness on Obama's part. I think,personally, a better choice would be Caroline Kennedy or Susan Rice.

Secretary of Energy
Likely Pick: Al Gore

Al Gore has spent most of his time, since his 2000 run for the Presidency, focusing on climate change, energy, and the environment. He won the Nobel Prize for his work. He is educated and will have some wonderful ideas about how to solve the energy crisis in the U.S.


The starred positions have been formally picked and vetted.
Stay tuned for more as we cover the transition from Bush to Obama.
...a change gon' come!

Guest Blog: The Bitch, The Ho, The Lady...which one are you?

I have been thinking about writing on this topic for a long time. I'm not a sociologist, or a woman studies major. I am a communicator and I'm always curious an interested in how people talk and relate to each other.
Labels. We all use them. African American. Housewife. Entrepreneur. Christian. Good Girl. Thug. Hustler. Even if you try consciously not to label people somewhere in your subconscious you probably have labels for someone and assigned meanings to these labels.

Three labels in particular have caught my attention. Bitch. Ho. Lady. Women -- young and old, do you identify with any of these titles? Maybe you are a combo or on any given day all three. Men, is this how you classify the women in your life? Is your mom a lady? But that young lady you just met is a cross between a bitch and ho? It's ok though cause you are willing to tolerate her bitch/ho tendencies to accomplish what you need to accomplish?!!?

I want to start a conversation/a dialogue with people on this subject. I am a part of a generation that grew up on hip hop. A generation that doesn't cringe when the terms bitch and ho fly freely thru a rap song. I'll be the first to tell you that one of my favorite all time rap songs is "Gangsta, Gangsta" by N.W.A. I have a good friend who's all time favorite song is Ice Cube's "A Bitch is a Bitch." Some may categorize these songs as misogynistic and degrading to women. Yet I was never personally offended by either of these songs. Does liking these songs mean I'm not a lady?
And what qualifies someone as a lady, or for that matter a bitch or a ho?

I personally think all human beings are multifaceted. Meaning that we all have the capacity and tendency to be more than one way. Sure if I'm extolling my greatness I'll tell you that 80% of the time I'm a lady. But there are some people who might remember me as the occasional, wild loud mouth girl from high school who would look for a fight and threaten to put a size 10 foot in your back. Now that doesn't seem lady like does it?

And the ho label, the ho tag. Someone, if they haven't already, could write a dissertation on this label. I return again to hip hop. What about the rappers that scream about you can't trust a ho? Yet will have scantily clad women in their videos that become labeled as video hos. Or the role that some women feel they have to play, the madonna whore. Pure and Puritanical at work, in the church. But behind closed doors does tricks with the best of the professionals.

What do all these labels mean? Do they pigenhole you and lock you into acting and behaving a certain way? Or are they just words? Tell me what do you think.
-LaToya A. Henry

Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to YA! - Glitter Graphics

It is my birthday today!!!!

So, of course, I have to share with you, my ultimate birthday present.
Wanna know what it is? Well of course you do.
But let me preface:

I have distinct taste.
I like handbags made of soft and supple leather with a "schtick", you know, that thing that makes is even MORE FABU!
I love shoes with comfort and style!
I love sneakers...Adidas, Puma, and Retro Nikes! Give me a pair of Adidas Forum Los...and I might be your best friend forever!
I love gadgets...but I REFUSE to pay full price for them or anything else, if I can help it.
My clothes are simple...and I like them that way. I am not frilly or lacey or loud and colorful. I let my accessories and my mouth do all the talking!
In a nutshell...I like am like a SOUL band with a Funky Drummer...

So, if anyone TODAY was going to buy me ONE was not a factor, it would be this...I LOVE THIS:

Chloe Paddington Croc

I have had a desire for this wonder of a bag for years. Now, I would not expect anyone, but my husband if he hit the lottery, to pay $12,000 for a bag for me.
So in all fairness, I would settle for a Regular Chloe Paddington, Blue with Gold Hardware:

Blue Chloe Paddington

It is a classic "IT" bag... with a big ole gold padlock...and I love it.

For now though, I will settle for my current desire item...A Rebecca Minkoff Morning After Bag! Hey, second best is not ALWAYS bad!

Happy Birthday to ME!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tales from the Crip -- Tiny Tim's got Nothing on Me

Note from your Fabulous Blog Owner:
I have a friend who is laid up, literally, and she asked to do a guest blog.
Each week she is going to post her newest Tales from the Crip blog about the life of a crippled writer in need of some creative healing. So here we go!


Apparently no two surgeries are alike. No one told me this but for weeks to psyche myself up for my ankle surgery part deux I assumed this surgery would be like the first one. I said to people "I'll just look at the first one as practice."
Well practice shamctice. This surgery is nothing like the first one. So as I prepare to keep myself sane during this time of resting and healing I have decided to blog. The gracious host of this blog has allowed me to post on her site.
And what can I say about Mrs. Morton whom I've know since I was 14? I guess before I start extolling her virtues (right now Karyn is saying why is she buttering me up) I should probably provide a very brief introduction of myself.
On the 16th day of July in 1976 at precisely 3:30 pm the most beautifullest thing in the world...ok I'll stop...My name is LaToya Aisha Henry. I am a multi-talented, multi-faceted woman from Detroit. My day job involves communications and keeping young people engaged in civil rights. My night job is pretty much the same. So I hope you will enjoy my guests blogs and they will add to the style and substance already here!!!
As I stated earlier I am healing from ankle surgery. In March of this year I slipped on ice in my driveway and had as my first surgeon put it "complete destruction of my ankle." I somehow managed to completely shatter my ankle and break the fibula bone in my left leg. I had never broken anything in my life besides a nail. Needless to say I had surgery with a plate and 2 screws inserted into my ankle. Not to mention 6 weeks in a hard cast and 5 weeks in a walking boot plus about 2 and a half months of physical therapy. So I was excited in June when my surgeon said my xrays looked good he would let me have my summer and in October we would remove the screws.
Summer is great. I go for my follow up appointment and then the curve ball is thrown. Here I am thinking we are going to discuss removing the screw and me being back to work right before election day and my surgeon walks in with a look on his face that doesn't look good. And he opens his mouth and says we need to redo your surgery. And instantly my mind flashes back to me in the hard cast, getting around the house with a walker and trying to prevent myself from going stir crazy. Panic, fear, dread are the first emotions.
But this passes quickly. I regroup and just allow myself a moment before I start to analyze and over analyze and figure out what God is trying to tell me now. What didn't I get the first time that He had to sit me down again. I don't believe there are any accidents everything happens for a reason.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas GIFTING!

Yes, it is that time again...
Time to start, if you have not already, for Christmas gifts.
During this time of recession, many people will be limiting their gift giving, so we will be giving you some affordable, but wonderful ideas for all those most important people on your holiday list!

To start you off, here are some wonderful sights where you can find some wonderful gift ideas. Next week, we will start giving you some collections of items to get you inspired this Holiday season!

This site gives you TONS of great and UNIQUE items, and pictures, to inspire you for gift giving for those techies and people you know who already have EVERYTHING.


If you have a lady in your life who LOVES beauty products, then go to one of these sites for great skincare, scents,and bath products to make her happy!


For the funny guy or girl in your life, your teenager, or your annoying cousin or nephew, there is surely something on this site that will scream his or her name, and most everything is well priced.


Great clothes at great prices...


This site is FULL of cute clothing for kids and guess what, it is so cheap, you can outfit them for the YEAR!

Check some of these stores out...let me know if you find someone wonderful!

My Opinion: The Real Housewives of Atlanta

I watched the entire season, which ended last night, on Bravo TV. Apparently, there is going to be a knock down, drag out on the reunion episode, which airs next week.

I have watched this show and its many installments since the first Orange County group. I enjoy reality tv, and I get a kick out of seeing how non-celebrity people, scripted or not, act once the cameras are rolling. I have always wondered how I would come across on screen, since I come across in a multitude of ways to different people, usually depending on how well they know me. This installment was more interesting to me, as it showcased women of color, and not the typical group of White women spending money, yachting, and buying diamonds. I wanted to see what women, who shared some of my sensibilities, interests, and background, lived life high on the hog.

What I got was a show full of the stereotypes of Black women that I despise. Sheree Whitfield, was the stuck up "bitch" that lived in a fantasy land where everyone wanted to be like, live like, and look like her. NeNe Leakes, who I actually quite liked, was portrayed as the loud, overbearing, two-faced, and sh!t starting friend...the more "ghetto" acting of the bunch. Kim, the sole White woman on the show, was the kept woman, whose mystery man "Big Papa" kept her laced in diamonds, Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, and whatever else she fancied, while she laughably dreamed of being a country singer. DeShawn Snow, was the wife of the NBA star, who seemed to spend money like it was water. And finally, Lisa Hartwell, the hardest working of the crew, was the level-headed, responsible woman in the group.

The show was much like a train wreck, it was horrible, but you couldn't stop watching it...and I certainly was lured by it. Much more for its drama than its reality, and certainly not for its similarity to anyway that I live, think, dream, or desire to live. I was amazed at the frivolous spending of money, of OTHER people's hard earned money. I was amazed at the notion that the men were only around to provide a paycheck, and the women only around to spend it. I was even more so amazed at the fued between Sheree, Kim, and NeNe, that seemed to paint NeNe as this classless and basically undesireable woman, to Sheree and Kim's stellar beauty and style. While most of the show Kim looked like either Barbie in her too tight Dolce & Gabbana sheaths and piles of diamonds, or a slutty Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm in her short pilgram dresses with knee high boots.

I cannot wait until the reunion show though, it will somehow put some closure on my season of Fall Reality TV watching...a good ass whooping always seem to bring closure, doesn't it!!!!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

More Style...

Since we are on a run with style...
Let's talk for a moment.

During all the election excitement, I was M.I.A.!
However, I was volunteering and helping get out the vote, I was not just
sitting around picking my nose.
Admist all of that, I started reading all of these blogs that were
going at our First Lady elect, Michelle Obama, and her style choice for
election day, that black and red Narciso Rodriguez dress, which personally,
I thought was on point. It was daring and different, not unlike our future First
Lady. It was on trend, with its burst of bright color...and it fit her style and
figure perfectly. Who cares what all the haters say...

Mrs. Obama's style is to be envied. She is not Jackie O, she is Michelle Obama, and to compare her to someone else is to do her a disservice, no matter how fashionable
and fabulous the comparison may be. There will never be another Jackie O, just like there will never be another Audrey, Marilyn, or Katherine. And after Mrs. Obama is
a former first lady...there will never be another Michelle!

Some of my fave Mrs. Obama looks:

In a Maria Pinto dress and Azzedine Alaia belt...look up Alaia to see how
fabulous this designer is...looks fantasic and in GREAT shape!

This is a fabulous halter dress she is wearing, and her updo is gorgeous,
and flattering!
She makes a pair of khaki's look cool and sharp with her white slit neck blouse
matching boots and turquoise baubles!

We're BAAACK...

After a short hiatus, we are back!
To start of this November, my birthday month, in stellar fashion,here
are a list of my November most wanted fashion items.
There may be some things on this list you might want...and notice, (most)everything is
on the cheap!!!!

New York and Company Wool Cape
Great for weekend with jeans and a sweater!

New York and Company 7th Avenue Pant

Old Navy Scarf Cardigan
This works from office to weekend and even at home!

Old Navy Tie Waist Shirtdress
Perfect for Winter Cocktail Night

Complicated Contessa YOU by Crocs Boot
This is a great boot for winter style.

Report Brea Wedges
Great for work, for style without the ridiculously high heel. My feet deserve comfort!

Nine West Mane in Violet
That burst of color and suede make for a perfect winter pump!

Quilted Morning After Mini by Rebecca Minkoff
I just love this style and the quilting makes it a little different from the standard! Definitely on my WANT IT NOW list!

Aqua Women’s Cowlneck Cashmere Dress
Cute and cannot go wrong...and CASHMERE...HELLO!

Elizabeth and James Cape Cadet Coat (not so cheap)
I love this for an investment is smart, gorgeous, and stylish!

Marc by Marc Jacobs Dr. Q Magazine Clutch
You can take this any and everywhere, from the market to the club!

My Stuff
A collection of must have items, tools, and widgets!