Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Historical Night in American History

Tonight, I have never been more proud to be an American...to be an African-American.
I watched CNN all day today, as I waited to see who would clinch the coveted Demoncratic Presidential Nominee spot...and like most of the country had known for months, it was Barack Obama that prevailed.
Barack Obama, the first man of color to EVER be named the Democratic Presidential Nominee. It was both a victory and a historical moment that most African-Americans will never forget. It is a day that my 93 year old Grandfather probably never thought he would live to see! It is a day, I often wondered if I would ever see...and a day that I hope my 3 year old son will find a sense of pride and hope in, and the realization that, he can be anything he sets his mind to...ANYTHING...even the President of the United States of America.

So I stand in pride in saying...congratulations to Mr. Obama...
and ready to stand behind him in his next race...all the while saying resoundingly...
YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!

And uh...let's just note, that this man will most CERTAINLY be...the most stylish and well-dressed Presidential Candidate in the history of U.S. politics. Note the teal tie he wore last night...smart, powerful, and stylish...what a combination!!!!

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